Friday, November 9, 2012

My two inch scrap Quilt

It is time to finally finish this quilt top. I had lots of 2 inch squares cut out from scraps, so I sewed them into 4 patch blocks. Here I am pinning them to a sheet I hung on the wall to lay out the design.
As you can see I have made a lot of progress and it is coming together nicely.
I pinned all the 4 patch blocks to the wall leaving an open space between the blocks to work in my design. Each of the blocks consisted of 2 squares of the same fabric, either reds or browns, and the other 2 squares from neutral scraps. I then sewed multiples of that block, enough to complete a row laid on the diagonal.
Here you can see I started to fill in the blank spaces with blocks I cut 3 ½ inches square. I wanted to give the quilt a lot of movement, so I started with a zig-zag pattern.
It was really nice to arrange the blocks on a design wall to be able to view the quilt at a distance.
After I had the design all together on the wall I started to take down a row at a time and sew them together. This step in the process shows the blocks sewn into rows. You can see on the left side of the quilt where I had labeled and numbered each row, so I wouldn’t get them mixed up.
And here is the quilt with all the rows attached. At this point I still needed to add a border.
For the border I decided on a pretty brown fabric in a small print. I decided to use more of the 4 patch blocks and incorporate them into the borders on all 4 sides of the quilt. I sewed a half square triangle on the corners of all the blocks in a lighter brown fabric, but not the same fabric I was using in the border strips. I placed them at random without any thought to lining them up with the blocks in the center of the quilt. This pattern already had enough “order” to it.
Here I have the borders pinned in place and I am attaching them at the machine.
Wow, I am finally done! This quilt top has 1,834 pieces of fabric in it. The major amount of those pieces being 2 inch squares. I think I will wait until the holidays are over with before I decide to quilt it.


  1. Love the quilt, love seeing your process!

  2. This is really a labor of love. Absolutely beautiful. Can we see a finished quilt once you have it quilted?

  3. You are an inspiration to me just starting out. You deserve a quilter's crown.

  4. Hi
    I ran across your quilt on Pinterest and just wanted to tell you I LOVE it!

  5. I LOVE your quilt ! I do watercolor quilts with 2 inch blocks, so I know how much work this is.

  6. Loved it so much, I had to make my own! Thank you for the inspiration :)

  7. Your quilt is fabulous! Thank you for sharing your zig-zag process. What an easy and straightforward way to get an interesting, unpredictable design. Liz in Houston

  8. Julie, I really appreciate how you shared the process. I'm very jealous of your design wall too! I'm still using a bed because this "open concept" house left me without a wall in the living room where I sew!

  9. Love the quilt, giving me inspiration to bring out my scraps. Thanks

  10. Beautiful quilt! Thank you for sharing your process!

  11. That is just a work of art. beautiful, beautiful!! Love it.

  12. This is so beautiful. I really injured reading your design process. Inspiration galore.

  13. I found your quilt on Pinterst absolutely beautiful
